Cambridge VS Oxford

Two of the most prestigious debating tournaments took place over the last weekends, the Oxford (10th to 11th Nov) and the Cambridge IV (18th to 19th Nov). Debattierklub Wien attended both, sending an adjudicator to Oxford IV (Melanie Sindelar) and a team (Vienna A, Rosie Halmi & Melanie Sindelar) to Cambridge IV.


2 teams from Debattierklub Wien attended the SOAS IV 2011 between 21 – 23 October 2011. Vienna A being slightly more experienced broke into ESL semi finals while Vienna B competed as novices team. The freshman Marian Hochgerner reports on the event.   London – It does not come as a surprise that Europe’s most […]

Divine Experiences and Godless Euros

From 7 – 13  August 180 teams competed at Europe’s most important debate tournament in Galway, Ireland. DKW sent Karoline Lutz and Regina Puthenpurayil as Vienna B, Leonhard Weese and Christoph Jäger as Vienna A  along with Rosie Halmi as adjudicator. The buzz around the ESL final motion “THBT God Exists” has eclipsed most other […]

Speechless at the heart of an Eastern European Pearl: The Kiev Open 2011

24 teams gathered this year in Ukraine to compete at the Kiev Open on October 1st and 2nd.  Karoline Lutz and Rosie Halmi competed as Team Lutzi Putzi. Sponsored by East European development Institutes the motions were kept close to the issue of peace and non-violence.  The trophy went to our friends from Potsdam: Moritz […]

Red Sea Open 2011

  The sparkling sun on wet skin, the smell of sun lotion and tasty food, motions challenging our debater-skills and interesting debates with people from Russia, Germany, Austria, Israel, Greece, England – this year’s Red Sea Open (RSO) was the perfect combination of all of that.

Debating Behind a Wall of Fire

Yiming Zhangbeing filmed at the finals1

Chrisotph and Leo are invited to a marvellous tournament at Beijing FSU, get to know many interesting Chinese debaters and meet old friends from Europe, learn more about China than ever before and have plenty of fun.