Cold shivers in hot Belgrade – EUDC 2012

This is not a review of the fantastic job the Belgrade EUDC 2012 OrgCom from Open Communication or its Adjudication team did, or about the challenging motions and thrilling debates. It neither is a treatise of the gratitude and sympathy I feel towards my team partner. It is a very personal account of what cold […]

Two Slices Of Great British Summer: The Imperial IV and The SOAS Open

Is this about the Olympics? Sure not. Maybe about this is about the weather? No, otherwise we wouldn’t use the word “great”. So maybe this article is about debating again? Yep. A couple of DKWien athletes headed to London for the Imperial IV and the SOAS Open. They had a look on how Londoners prep […]

Take A Closer Look At Our EUDC Belgrade Teams!

Just a few more days until European University Debate Championship 2012 will be kicking off in Belgrade. We are really proud to be sending a fine delegation. 3 EUDC Belgrade Teams and 2 adjudicators are ready to put an eloquent fight, no matter how much Rakia it takes. Click on their pictures to take a […]

Debattieren im Juli 2012

Debataholics, keine Sorge, diesen Sommer werden wir nicht auf das Debattieren verzichten müssen. Drei Mittwochstermine stehen bereits fest: –  4. Juli – 11. Juli – 25. Juli Jeweils ab 19h. Im Seminarraum Geschichte 1, Hauptgebäude, 1. Stock, Stiege 10. Wir freuen uns auf Eurer Kommen!

Baker & McKenzie Debate Club: debattierende Juristen gesucht!

Vom 27.-28.4 war es wieder so weit: die international-agierende Anwaltskanzlei Baker & McKenzie suchte schon zum zweiten Mal nach den redegewandtesten Nachwuchsjuristen und stellte diesen eine Plattform zur Verfügung, um ihre argumentativen und rhetorischen Fähigkeiten unter Beweis zu stellen und diese gleichzeitig zu verbessern.

Battle for Belgrade – The Chips Are Down!

For the first time since its inception Debattierklub Wien had more teams applying for a Championship then there were slots available. Five teams competed for 3 slots, all of them had their merits and none of us knew how to settle that. Hence we decided to run the EUDC trials and find it out the […]